Find the latest engineering information from anywhere, anytime using the DMS app on iOS and Android. Search for artefacts, scan QR codes or manage changes by submitting and reviewing new markups.
Supported Features
The mobile app provides a purpose-built, mobile-specific subset of core functionality available on the web. All features have been optimised for working on the go and are targeted actions for when you’re on a mobile device. Supported features include:
- Search for artefacts - from DMS and downloaded locally to your device
Use Advanced Filters to narrow your search
(including the use of search shortcuts) - Map Search
- “My Location” to find artefacts nearby
- Folder Search to build a structured search using Visualised Metadata (if configured)
- Scan a Saved Search QR code to use a predefined Saved Search
- View Artefact previews and details
- Access recently viewed, downloaded and favourited artefacts
- View Metadata, Workflow Steps & History
Edit Artefact information:
- Add/Remove GPS Location
- Add/Remove Linked Artefacts
- Add/Remove Groups
- Add/Remove artefacts from your favourites (shared between Web and Mobile)
- Scan an artefact QR code to confirm if the printed version is the latest revision
- Upload revisions or new artefacts from your Camera, Photo Library or Documents
- Share artefact URLs - copy the url and email to others to share the exact information and reduce searching
- Markup Drawing type Artefacts
- Include Photos, Stamps & Symbols
- Save draft markups to your local device
- Submit new markups to the next workflow step
- View pending markups on a review or approve step
- Compare versions, make notations, and add comments during your review
- Approve or Decline changes
- Overlay versions with custom transparency for an easy comparison
Profile & Security
- SSO Single Sign-On / MFA Multi-Factor Authentication
- Live Chat
- Edit your Profile
Other features beyond this are supported by the web only.
Markup an Artefact
Markups submitted on a mobile device will trigger identical workflow steps as if submitted on the web.
Creating a new markup will save locally to your device only and will not be accessible on any other devices, or to any other users until it has been submitted. Markups can be edited for as long as they remain in your drafts. Once the markup has been submitted, it will progress to the next workflow step and can no longer be edited by yourself or any other user.
Mobile markup includes a few additional features, such as the ability to include a photo from your camera or photo library. Photos included in the markup submission will be visible from the Artefact Preview on the web and will be uploaded as separate new media artefacts and linked to the original artefact.
Only Drawing artefacts can be marked up on a mobile device. To markup Documents or Media artefacts please use the markup tool on the web.
Scan a QR Code
Two types of QR codes can be accessed on mobile. All DMS QR codes are generated by the web only and can be accessed by mobile through the in-app camera scanner.
Artefact Details
Printing an artefact from the Web app will generate a PDF export with a unique system-generated QR code. This QR code can be scanned by selecting the QR icon in the mobile search bar and aligning the camera with the printed QR code. This will search for an artefact based on the unique identifier in the QR code and return a mobile preview of any matches retrieved.
QR Scanning is also a convenient way to confirm whether or not the version you are looking at is the latest approved. If you have scanned a version that is no longer the latest approved, a warning is shown to let you know that the information is outdated and a newer revision exists.
The Artefact Details QR Code contains an identifier unique (non-URL) to RedEye to also assist with processing manual paper markup submissions. As a result, this QR code cannot be read by native cameras and must only be used with the DMS mobile app.
Saved Search
Saved Searches can be shared by generating a QR code on the web and will remain accessible for as long as the Saved Search exists. Any user with system access can scan the QR code to access a particular set of search filters saved by the owner.
One of the benefits of sharing information by a Saved Search is that the artefact search results remain dynamic and will continue to update regardless of the state of individual artefacts. The result returned on mobile will match a search on the web, so that you can easily transfer knowledge between devices, or with other team members.
The QR Code can be scanned either by opening the QR scanner in the app search bar, or directly through your device camera. If you have the mobile app installed, scanning a Saved Search QR code will open a search in your native app, otherwise, it will open the Saved Search URL in your native browser.
The results generated by a Saved Search will reflect the users' access and permissions. If a user generates a search for data they do not have access to, their search will not return any results. If a saved search is deleted by the owner, the generated QR code will no longer be valid.
For more information on Saved Searches, refer to the Saved Search guide.
Offline Mode
Artefacts can be cached to your device so that you may continue to work offline. Previewing an artefact will automatically download to your device and will remain cached for as long as it remains on your Recently Viewed (up to 25 Artefacts).
Artefacts can also be manually cached by selecting the Options > Download on individual artefacts, or by selecting a group and bulk downloading all artefacts in the group. You can easily access downloaded artefacts by visiting the Downloaded tab on your Dashboard.
Artefacts can be removed from your device by opening each artefact and selecting “Remove From Device”. Any changes you have made while offline, such as submitting a Markup or uploading a new artefact, will be automatically synced and updated once a connection is re-established.
Offline mode is triggered automatically when a connection is not available. When offline you cannot perform any actions that rely upon a connection to the web to get data or perform an update, such as QR Code Saved Search and searching for artefacts that are not downloaded to the device.
iOS vs Android
All efforts have been made to create parity between iOS and Android however you may notice slight visual differences due to the use of native components between operating systems. Similarly using the apps on devices with different screen sizes eg phones vs tablets may have slightly different experiences.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
How can I get access to the mobile app?
Access to the mobile app is using shared credentials as the Web app. If you are having trouble logging in, try the How to access RedEyeDMS guide
Can a QR code be scanned by anyone who isn’t a RedEye User?
Accessing RedEye via QR codes still requires user authentication. All existing security & permissions must be honoured before granting access.
How do I know that my markup has been submitted?
After selecting markup you’ll receive a confirmation message when the upload is complete. The markup has now moved to the next step in your workflow and the relevant people will be notified of your submission.
I’ve just closed the app without submitting my markup, where has it gone?
All progress throughout your markup is automatically saved to your device. You can re-open an artefact, select markup and pick up where you left off at any time.
Drafts can also be deleted by selecting “Discard” when exiting a markup or by simply deleting all of the elements on the screen. These drafts are only saved to your current device and cannot be accessed by other users, or on another mobile device or Web
Why can’t I see the markup option when previewing an artefact?
Drawing and Media are the only artefact types that are available for markup on mobile. If you are viewing a document artefact you will be unable to use a mobile device to submit a markup and must submit your changes on the web.
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