The Collection currently limits adding results to 500 artefacts at a time…yet I want to add my 500+ artefact search results to a New Group. How do I achieve this efficiently using Collection?
TIP: If your search results have more than 1000 results, filter Ascending and add 500, then immediately filter results Descending and add another 500 to quickly populate 1000 artefacts, then use the Group technique below to add subsequent artefacts this way.
Role Required: Any user with Search access that can use Collection
Role Restrictions: If target Groups aren't created a user with Group or Bucket Admin, or Bucket User must create Group/s first
Scale: Recommended for quantities <5000 artefacts, though can do indefinite numbers. Actioning in large quantities can sometimes result in Search Indexing delay or failure.
Carry out your search using filters etc to populate with desired artefacts (in this example 1600+ results)
- Click the top ‘Add all to Collection’ checkbox - this will add the first 500 results to the Collection
- Change to Collection and go Actions->Group->Add Group (assumes you have Group already created. If not go ahead and open Groups in a new tab and create first - see Role Restrictions above) Select the desired destination Group from the modal and once add is complete, clear Collection and return to Search page.
Now ADD a filter to your EXISTING search filters (by clicking + beside last filter entry) with Group-> Must Not Contain-> 'Group' (select the Group you are populating). Re-run search to filter out the 500 already added.
- Repeat step 1-3 until all artefacts are added.
Clear your Collection when all are done! Now drink coffee/beer/wine/water and bask in the good times!
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