What's in this article:
When artefacts are uploaded to RedEyeDMS, a thumbnail and preview image are generated representing what the artefact should look like to the user. These previews are generated as part of a lot of activities in the back room of the DMS during the upload process.
So to assist users in understanding the upload processing status of artefact during Upload, we have two representative interim 'previews' that get used, depending on the situation.
If you encounter artefacts where the search thumbnail or preview is only a basic image that says Preview Pending or Preview Error...what does this mean to you and what can you do about it?
Preview Pending
Preview Pending indicates that the Upload is still processing. The artefact has been created as an entity in the database though the preview generation stage has not yet been completed.
Tip: Batch Upload jobs have a default Lapse Time of 60 minutes in which we will continue to attempt to complete all tasks in that upload set before halting, and this timing may be increased by a Bucket admin.
This means a new artefact may have Preview Pending previews for up to an hour after submitted for upload (new artefacts only - not Draft Check Ins or Upload New Revision actions), though this would be rare. Keep this in mind if you encounter an artefact with this preview and check the Artefact History
Preview Error
Preview Error indicates the very rare instance where a preview generation has failed completely. The upload process has fully completed (you may see artefact metadata updated etc) yet the preview generation was unable to be completed for any particular reason.
What Can I Do About It If I encounter These Previews?
Step 1 - Check the History tab on the artefact page to see when the artefact was uploaded. If at least an hour has elapsed then:
Step 2 - On the artefact page run the Tools->Files->Refresh Artefact Preview tool and refresh the browser when the green banner at the bottom left advises refresh is complete.
Step 3 - If this action doesn't create the expected artefact preview, contact your Bucket Administrator to report what type of wording you see. This can be done using the Report feature on the artefact page.
If the preview does generate as expected - Happy Days!
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