The use of the word ACCESS in RedEyeDMS is specifically to describe that you don't currently hold a User Role with rights to access DATA.
It does NOT indicate a problem with your RedEye account - you actually have successfully authenticated into your RedEye account to receive the message that looks like this image (at the end of this article there is an explainer of how RedEye access is controlled if you want more detail):
It is also possible (though rare) that you may occasionally encounter an email notification or pop up to a tool that says you don't have access to drawings or the tool also - this is usually caused by a user that HAS access to that information sharing a link to it externally to you. When you follow the link the permission check on your roles fail and you get the message.
The root cause is still not having the Access Rights inherited from the User Roles that you hold.
Q. Why do I get No Access NOW?! I used to be able to log in and access data...
A. It is likely that a Bucket Administrator has removed your role during maintenance tasks, or Group/s that you held a group role in have since been deleted or have expired - deletion/expiry will also remove any group roles in that group.
Occasionally a role creation may fail to create properly during acceptance of an invitation and you still get a No Access message as above - escalate this occurrence via your Bucket Administrator.
Q. How do I fix this?
A. You need to contact your site RedEyeDMS representative and request a role invitation. One of the site Bucket or Group Administrators can then decide what role best suits your access needs and their business data probity and can invite you to the appropriate role. You will be up and running again in minutes.
NOTE: RedEye Support is not permitted to invite users to roles in client buckets
Explainer - the RedEyeDMS access process
RedEyeDMS has two steps that control a user accessing artefacts in a Bucket.
Step 1 - RedEye Account:
This is created when you first sign up to use RedEye, whether it be by accepting an invitation or via SSO. It uses your email as a username and the password set during the enrolment (user-provided or corporate SSO) This authenticates you to the RedEye environment only
Step 2 - Access Role:
Once you are in the RedEye environment your single account can access 1 or more BUCKET'S data using a ROLE or roles in that bucket assigned to your account (this allows your Org to use RedEye and still allow you to access other buckets as a subcontractor using the common account to login to the RedEye environment first)
The access role may be Group or Bucket based, has the word USER or ADMINISTRATOR in the title and determine what set of artefacts you are able to access in the Search page.
A user can have Roles removed and still retain their RedEye Account. Lack of any role in any bucket will result in a No Access message on login.
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