Required Role:
Bucket Administrator
Included in this article:
Fold Set | A set of discrete artefacts with minimum matching artefact Number, returned as candidates for cleanup tool fold in action |
Fold In | The action of consolidating two or more discrete artefacts and their historical audit trails into a new consolidated artefact, while re-arranging the versions and their files in correct chronological/revision order as History entries. (imagine a digital manila folder with latest revision page on top, and previous revisions folded under the top page in the order you place them) All versions and files can be accessed by searching and viewing the single artefact |
For various reasons you may find that version or format duplicates (eg. DWG and PDF copies of the same drawing revision) concurrently exist as individual artefacts in your bucket (especially soon after date migration and Go Live). Exact file content match (Binary) duplicates are removed/blocked during data migration into your bucket though there will often be some cleaning up of these other version files to be done once all the data is in your bucket and is now visible. The Cleanup tool exists to allow you to consolidate all your duplicates into one NEW artefact, recording the audit trail of all in history. After Fold In, searching on that artefact number will now return only the new artefact in results. You can use the Cleanup tool either as a planned administrative task or to action duplicate cleanup as you encounter them during search/artefact view activities.
The Cleanup Tool uses duplicate Artefact Number matches to return artefacts into a fold set of potential duplicates so that a Bucket Administrator can assess each artefact on its individual history and metadata. This allows the decision to retain artefacts as individuals, fold part or all of the fold set or even delete redundant copies. TIP: If unique, automatic next sequential artefact numbering is used in your Bucket you may need to edit identified duplicate artefacts to have the same number to operate the Cleanup tool.
The principle of 'cleanup' stems from the ultimate intent of DMS to store all historical versions of a Drawing, Document or Media file as history entries under one artefact, with the latest/current at the top. This reduces search burden and dangerous duplication of data as all users work off the single, latest artefact. The consolidation of versions under the one artefact is colloquially known as 'Folding In'
You can access the Cleanup tool in two locations -
Manage Bucket Page Interface
Once an artefact is reported by users as a suspected duplicate, or you encounter multiple results in Search indicating probable duplicates exist, you can access the Cleanup tool from the Manage Bucket page. This is where you would action planned administration of duplicates by letting the tool scan the entire bucket or selected group/s, returning previously unidentified duplicates for you to action as a fold set. You can scan for a particular Artefact number match or simply let the tool scan until it finds the next set of potential duplicates and returns the set for processing.
Artefact Page Interface
If during daily activities you notice Search results returning multiple matches that may be duplicates, you can complete your work on the artefact page of your target artefact and then action an ad hoc fold in task via the Tools->Toolkit->Cleanup Tool menu on the artefact page itself.
The difference with the Artefact Page interface is that the system defaults to searching only the entire bucket and pre-populates the artefact Number of the artefact that you are currently in into the tool. You are unable to continue searching on other numbers from there - use Manage Bucket version to address multiple fold sets.
Only Step 1 of the Fold In process will look slightly different in the Artefact page version of the tool.
Operate the Cleanup Tool
Operating the Cleanup Tool is done in 4 sequential steps - once each step is completed the next step will pulse to let you know where to go next.
Step 1 - Configure fold set criteria in the Cleanup Tool and execute to retrieve the desired fold set.
Step 2 - Delete artefacts and select fold ins. Review and analyse the resulting artefacts and select the appropriate action button to Fold, Skip or Delete the artefact during fold in execution. All artefacts must have an action applied to progress to step 3.
Step 3 - Sort fold in artefacts into correct historical order - this will determine where each artefact and all of it's history will list in the final History tab audit trail of the new, consolidated artefact.
Step 4 - Submit Cleanup to fold in your selections and action deletions/skips, creating a new single artefact with all of the included artefacts' history included.
Use Cleanup Tool - Manage Bucket
Access the Manage Bucket page and select Cleanup Tool from the menu
Next select the Cleanup Tool button from the left bar.
Step 1 - Configure Fold Set Criteria
Once in the Cleanup tool, you can start to build some criteria to search and locate potential Fold In Sets. You can build your own algorithm here, setting the criteria you want to match on including:
- Choose to identify a specific Artefact Number for artefacts to match, or just generate the Next Random Set in your target groups/Bucket by hitting the Fetch new set/skip set arrow button.
- To avoid partial number matches in the set (eg. 112047, 112047-red ) tick the Exact Match checkbox (useful when Child artefacts are in use) This may help de-clutter your fold set entries.
- To look for a set with a specific Artefact Number, type the number in the Artefact Number field.
- You can also Ignore Punctuation such as dashes (-), Slashes (/)m or underscores (_) when determining which artefacts match your Artefact Number. This is useful when data spans many years and varying numbering separator conventions have been used over time for potential duplicates.
- If you have selected a specific Artefact Number, you can also choose to match artefacts with one or more additional metadata values, such as Rev, Sheet Number, etc. This is useful when you have found duplicates of a specific common revision and want to consolidate that subset only.
Step 2 - Delete Artefacts and Select Fold Ins
When you have input all your criteria, you are ready to generate a set! Simply click the Fetch new set/skip set arrow button to begin. When your set is returned, it is a good idea to quickly review the items to identify if you need to further refine or edit some of the criteria, and then regenerate the set.
Note: The set has a limit of 50 artefact results per search!
If there are artefacts you're looking for specifically but not showing up in the set, make sure you skip the irrelevant artefacts and execute another set so the right artefact shows up.
Each Artefact Card displayed in the set is actually a unique Artefact in RedEye. The goal now, is to identify which of these artefacts belong together as Versions of a single artefact, or which artefacts are not related and should remain separate.
NOTE: The artefact cards are displayed in Revision sets, based on their populated metadata. The grey side bar shows each Revision grouping
Start by inspecting each of the artefacts. You can use the magnifier to hover over each artefact, and visually inspect it. If you find that some information is missing from the artefact's revision or sheet Metadata, you can add it now by selecting the appropriate red field.
The red artefact Number link is live so you can click that to open the artefact in its own window to have a closer look at its history and metadata - this can help decide whether to retain an artefact or where it should be positioned in the new artefact history.
Now select which artefacts to Fold In, Delete or Skip. Use the red Flags indicator to help assess what your decisions to fold, delete or skip should be
Artefact Flags
Accessed - Lets you decide if the artefact has been viewed from search by users and how widely relied upon it may have been
Versions - Indicates if an artefact has multiple revision updates in it's history
Workflow - Indicates if the artefact is currently active in workflow. If an artefact active in workflow is selected as the top artefact in the sort order, the workflow will remain active at that step after fold in. If the selected artefact is active and is positioned as a version in history only after fold in, the workflow for THAT artefact will be cancelled during the consolidation process.
Fold Action Markers
Fold Action Markers are the controls that dictate how the artefact will be treated upon Step 4 - Submit Cleanup.
Fold - Include this artefact to be arranged and folded in at Step 3
Delete - Delete this artefact from the bucket when clean up is submitted in Step 4.
Undo - Undo my selection so that I can select another action.
Skip - Skip this artefact in this cleanup action. Ask me in Step 4 how to deal with the skipped artefacts, if any.
Skip Options (Step 4)
- Just skip them I will deal with them later - Do not include in THIS fold in but return in a new fold set on subsequent cleanup tool scans.
- Ignore them, I don't want them to show up again - these are valid UNIQUE artefacts that coincidently have a number that matches other artefacts, but is not related. DON'T include them in a future cleanup tool scan. This would be used if CHILD artefacts are in your fold set - these remain as unique stand alone artefacts
- Fetch them in a new set, I want to action them after I've submitted - These selections will immediately appear as a new fold set in the tool when the current fold in execution occurs. Eg. you want to fold all Rev 1 artefacts together now, and will skip and fold all the Rev 2 artefacts in this set in the new set, for convenience.
You can select Fold Action Markers individually using the Fold In or Skip icons on each Artefact Card or you can apply the one action to all artefacts using the Fold In or Skip icons from the bar above the Artefact Cards to identify the actions in bulk.
Step 3 - Sort fold in artefacts
When complete, click the Sort fold in artefacts button. This will allow you to organise the selected artefacts into Versions. Simply use the Up/Down arrows or Drag & Drop each of the versions into Descending order, so that the newest version is at the top and the oldest version is at the bottom.
You can expand each of the Versions to inspect the image preview and metadata here too, such as if you have multiple versions associated with a particular revision (including Native formats, markups, etc.).
This is a good opportunity to check and make sure artefacts are not in any active workflows as "folding in" will cancel the workflows in order to consolidate revisions and any progress made during a workflow can be lost.
Step 4 - Submit Cleanup
Click the Sort complete button to complete the activity and click Submit cleanup to confirm your Fold In submission, at which point you can sit back, sip your coffee and watch your duplicates disappear!
Use Cleanup Tool - Artefact Page
The major difference between the Manage Bucket interface and that of the Artefact page tool, is that the artefact number is fixed, pre-populated, and bucket search is the default scan criteria in Step 1.
You can select supplementary metadata match criteria and re-scan if desired.
Steps 2-4 function as per Manage Bucket tool.
'View Consolidated History' re-direction
If a user attempts to follow a stale URL or CSV link to an artefact that has since been folded in, they will be provided with a link to the new artefact, so you will never got lost in the Matrix. Click the blue View Consolidated Artefact and History link to be re-directed to the valid new artefact with history
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