What's in this article:
If you are a Bucket Administrator, you have the permissions to Invite or Remove users at the Bucket level, and also at the Group level. These are defined as Bucket Roles and Group Roles.
Bucket Roles:
These roles permit a user to view and action all artefacts throughout your organisation's Bucket, including all artefacts in every group. eg. Bucket Users and Bucket Administrators.
Group Roles:
Users without a Bucket Role can be provided Group Roles that only allow them to access/action artefacts in a specific Group. This may include external contractors, which you want to limit access to the remainder of your organisations artefacts.
Users who do have Bucket Roles can be assigned with multiple Group Roles without affecting their existing Bucket Roles. These additional Group Roles can be used to allow the user to perform Role based functions, such as Drafting, Reviews and Approvals, on artefacts in the selected group.
Example: An Electrical Engineer may be given the Bucket User role, and also given the Group Approver role for the Electrical Drawings Group. This user can view all artefacts in the Bucket, and has additional permissions to Approve drawings in the Electrical Drawings Group.
Invite Users
To start inviting users to roles, you can access Manage Bucket page via the profile icon on the top right of the interface
Alternatively, click Groups from the navigation bar, and then select Manage Bucket.
Next, select Bucket Users from the left navigation bar. This view will display all of the users in your Bucket with a separate line for each role they hold, including each Bucket Role and each Group Role. You can filter the list by using the filter boxes under the table headings.
How To Invite Users
There are three interfaces to invite users. One for Groups Roles, one for Bucket Roles, and one Bulk Invite interface that combines both the Group and Bucket interfaces. We will use the Bulk Invite interface in this example.
Select Bucket Roles that you want to give the users, if applicable, by selecting from the Bucket Role field. This field will display a selection of roles to choose from.
If you want to give the user any Group Roles, start by selecting the Group from the Groups selector drop down list, and then select the a Role for the users from the Group Roles field.
To add more Groups and Group Roles to the invitation, simply click the Add Group Role button.
Next, type an email address for each recipient you want to invite to these Roles, and input a custom message if you choose.
NOTE: If a user has more than one email address, check which email is registered with their RedEye account before sending their invitation.
Click Submit to finish.
Recipients will receive an email with your invitation. Any recipients that do not already have a RedEye account (registered to this email address) will be prompted to create one on accepting your invitation.
How To Delete Users
From the Bucket Users page you can easily remove a users access to the whole Bucket, or just a single group role. Each role a user holds will be listed on a separate line in the table.
Simply click the Remove button displayed on the rightmost column of the applicable line in the user list. Do this for each role that you want to remove from each user.
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