Roles Required:
Access role held by Transmittal creator for the artefacts required to be transmitted (usually Bucket Admin)
Transmittal Administrator role concurrently held by the Transmittal creator (menu item greyed out otherwise)
Recipients MUST hold role in the bucket before adding to Transmittal as recipient.
Create a Transmittal
Identify artefacts required and add to Collection
As a holder of Transmittal Admin role, in Bulk Actions select Create Transmittal. You will be prompted with a Group list showing what groups the drawings exist in for you to select as the creation group - select the first group (RedEye will create a Hidden group in the background to add Transmittal Users to and to run this tool so don’t worry about which group you use, just pick one) The Transmittal page opens with the stashed drawings listed.
If you need to add more drawings use the green Add button to search and add additional drawings to the transmittal. There is a Set Expiry button - recommend not to use expiry.
Click the Users tab to invite RedEye users to receive the Transmittal. Once you have built the recipient list and added, you need to refresh browser to show them on the page. *The Send Transmittal button on main page will be greyed out until you add at least one user
Optional - Click History tab to see that all your actions to date are listed here for future reference. You can monitor who has been issued, who has actioned the transmittal etc here so this step is just For Info
History is being captured for each action
Once you are happy with the artefact set and users assigned, click Send Transmittal to initiate a create Transcript configure page (like Bulk Print), add a general comment for the invitation. Completing and sending the Transmittal locks it - you can’t modify it from this point on so ensure all is correct first.
Optional Important Information - If you have invited YOURSELF to the transmittal, after sending you will be directed to page that users clicking the invitation land on. DO NOT accept Transmittal this way, as it will leave the Transmittal stuck at ‘pending’ status and it won’t work for the others!. Instead ALWAYS accept from email notification to get to that page.
To access and view sent and locked Transmittals go to Approvals queue, Transmittals tab
Next, read How to Retrieve Transmittals below
Retrieve a Transmittal
User receives email notification eg. ‘Dave McLachlan has sent the following Transmittal: GARTNER-TM-11205-0000001-OUT - Gartner Demo’ (Creator will also receive email notification of subsequent acceptance by other recipients and the History will populate accordingly)
Click Accept Transmittal button in email
On landing page click 'Accept & View Transmittal'
This will open the Transmittal page with 2 blue buttons
Optional - check History to see if others have accepted etc (for Transmittal creator)
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