How to Update/Edit Profile Information
Updating your profile information is simple in RedEye, follow these steps:
Click on your profile photo
Click the My Profile from the menu
Under the Overview tab in your profile page, click on Update Profile.
Update or edit your profile information, such as your mobile number or job title, then click on Submit.
Ensure all fields have information entered, or you will not be able to submit the changes.
You will see a pop-up message in the top-right corner of the screen, letting you know the changes have been successfully submitted.
You can also change your Preferences and add a photo so that everyone can see who is doing all the work!
When updating your Preferences, there are a number of really useful options to improve usability and efficiency when using RedEye. In Particular :
Default Dashboard - For those with Group Admin roles you can switch between an Admin Dashboard (more Overview based) and User Dashboard (more individual workload based)
Landing Page - If you find that you log into RedEye and always (mostly) navigate straight to a certain page you can tell RedEye to open to that page on log in - save clicks!
Default Bucket - If you hold a Bucket role in multiple buckets this will set a particular Bucket to load by default when opening a new search page. Great if you belong to a lot of Buckets yet spend a lot of time in a particular one - save even More clicks!
Click the Set Default button when you are done, then be sure to log out and log back in again to confirm the change.
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