What's in this article:
- General Information
- Why do I get a binary duplicate error when I am uploading again after a deletion?
- How to delete Artefacts Individually
- How to Bulk Delete artefacts using a dedicated Group
Deleting artefacts is Administrator role restricted, though any user can use the Report Artefact function on the artefact page to request the deletion of an artefact.
General Information
Deleting artefacts is only available in the Web version of RedEyeDMS. Artefacts that are deleted are first placed into the Deleted Register - this action hides the artefact from Search and tools such as Bulk CSV etc for users. So deleted artefacts are still in the bucket, but with a 'Hidden' state applied to them. This allows a Deletion Administrator to later Restore, Purge (permanently gone) or Remove Files (retain audit details) on entries in the register. More detail on how the Deleted Register works for Administrators can be found HERE
Why do I get a binary duplicate error when I am uploading again after a deletion?
Until a deletion Administrator purges a deleted artefact, the artefacts in the Deleted Register will still be scanned for binary duplicate checking on Uploads (In case they are later restored we don't want exact content duplicates).
TIP: If deleting an artefact with the intention of uploading the same file again as new (example - uploaded to incorrect Artefact Type box and need to re-upload same file as correct type), the deleted one MUST be first PURGED, else the new upload will be blocked as a binary duplicate of the deleted artefact in the Register.
How to delete Artefacts Individually
Role Required:
Bucket Administrator
Group Administrator (for those artefacts in groups they manage)
Artefacts can be deleted via the Artefact page when you view an artefact. Simply select the Tools tab on the right, then Toolkit and Delete Artefact.
When you delete an artefact, you'll be asked to give the reason for deletion (pre-populated reasons can be managed in the Deleted Register by a Bucket Administrator) and the requester. This stores these details against the entry in the Deleted Register for auditing and retention policy reasons, allowing an administrator to contact the requestor for details if necessary.
Deleted artefacts will no longer be viewable from Search, however, Bucket Administrators can view them from the Deleted Register. A notification bar indicating its Deleted status will appear across the Artefact Page.
How to Bulk Delete Artefacts using a Dedicated Group
Roles Required:
Bucket Administrator + Group Archivist, or
Group Administrator (for those artefacts in groups they manage) + Group Archivist
Configuration Required:
- 'Delete Group Artefacts' option enabled in Bucket Options (RedEye Project team or CSM to enable) and
- Identified Group/s to invite identified Administrators to Group Archivist role (Recommend a permanent dedicated and clearly named group created for the regular deletion of unwanted artefacts. eg 'Files for Deletion")
Selected Administrators can be given the ability to bulk delete artefacts with the invitation to an additional Group Archivist role in the identified Group/s. It is usual to have a dedicated permanent group for this purpose, where artefacts identified for deletion can be moved to this group in bulk using the collection, and then bulk deleted when suitable.
When the Bucket is configured and an Admin holding the role of Group Archivist for that group, the Details tab will show an additional red button "Delete Artefacts". Please note that for any Admin viewing this tab that does NOT hold the Archivist role, the Delete Artefacts button does not appear.
To delete ALL artefacts in the group, simply click the Delete Artefacts button (Reminder! ALL artefacts in a group so configured will be removed if you proceed)
You will receive a chance to pull out of the action on the subsequent modal where you confirm or cancel this action.
Once actioned the involved artefacts will be added to the Deleted register. More detail on how the Deleted Register works for Administrators can be found HERE.
The deleted artefacts will also be removed from any other group assignments and workflow queues
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