Clients often ask ‘Why aren’t the RedEye prints named the same as our filenames? Can we change that?'
Logic behind the naming convention
Whilst the Print function in RedEye is generating copies of the files that are uploaded, the metadata that we store for filename is only of that initial file upload, for later reference. However the drawing files that have become Drawing type artefacts in RedEye are given a reference artefact number that is in most cases different to the filename - filenames often have no engineering reference in their syntax whereas the numbering system in RedEye is built based on each clients desire to number their drawings in DMS. (Document type artefacts usually retain initial filename details as the RedEye Number)
So therefore when the export of prints occurs the PDF output we generate has to be of the Drawing Artefact Number, not the filename. Over time file versions of differing names can be used to update an artefact - the artefact number remains consistent throughout so it is logical that we use that artefact number to name the PDF export so that it can be referred to easily against the Search results in RedEye, and be identified as such in Windows explorer.
Handling of special characters in Redeye Number when exporting
In the case of artefact numbers using characters such as backslash etc, we will substitute those for underscores in the filename output. This is standard special character handling of filenames in IT systems. eg artefact number 123/abc will be printed as 123_abc.pdf
I hope this explains why the filenames of print output is named for the artefact number metadata, not filename of the initial upload.
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